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Craft Beer 101 * As seen in Oilfield Pulse magazine
#CraftBeer #CraftBeer101 #TheBeerMaven #OilfieldPulseMagazine #IBU #mouthfeel #SondraBaker

Fall~ing in love with fall craft beer (as seen in Oilfield Pulse Magazine)
#FallBeer #OilfieldPulseMagazine #TheBeerMaven #SondraBaker #TrolleyFiveBrewing #AlleyKatBrewery #BigRockBrewery #PhillipsBrewing...

Samuel Smith~ A Tribute to Tradition (as seen in Oilfield Pulse Magazine)
#SamuelSmithsBrewery #TheoldBrewery #Shirehorses #OrganicCherryAle #OrganicStrawberryAle #OrganicApricotAle #OrganicChocolateStoutt...

Death by Chocolate (as seen in Oilfield Pulse Magazine)
#DeathbyChocolate #HearthstoneBrewing #MilkChocolateStout #RogueAles #DoublelChocolateStout #SamuelSmithsBrewery #PhillipsBrewing...

Winter Warmers (as seen in Oilfield Pulse Magazine)
#TheBeerMaven #WinterWarmer #BarrelAged #BrewstersBrewery #BigRockBrewery #ToolShedBrewingCompany #Beaus #TheGrizzlyPawBrewingCompany...

All hell for a basement
Hells Basement has recently opened its doors in Medicine Hat Alberta. They offer a taproom and spacious patio in the seasonal months. The...

Wildrose Brewery - A personal tour
Their expansive production facility in the SE industrial looks a little boring from the outside but you'lll find it's anything but when...

5 Top IPAs According to The Beer Maven
My First taste of IPA was as a kid on P.E.I. Sneaking sips of the old mans Alexander Keiths. I found it nasty and never understood why he...

A Personal Tour of the Big Rock Brewery
If you have never been there you should definitely go…Big Rock Brewery. Here’s a preview from the Beer Maven to wet your whistle. As...

Whistler Brewing Company – Rambler Pack Review by The Beer Maven
As Seen on This review of Whistler Brewing Company’s Rambler Pack is part of the Beer Maven’s summer series called “Patio...
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